ARISE-US Symposium: Sustainability and Resilience - Making the Marriage Work

- English
Governments and companies are under pressure from many directions to become more sustainable and more resilient, but they are finding that balancing these two concepts in practice is difficult. Partly, this reflects the fact that the relevant global policy frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for resilience, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for sustainability and the Paris Agreement on abating climate change have not achieved full coherence; and partly it reflects widespread misunderstanding about the relationship between sustainability and resilience and how to balance them.
Sustainability and resilience are related - but not the same. At different times organizations may need to take actions that are sustainable but not resilient; resilient but not sustainable; neither; or both. Clearly, the ideal spot is "both", but that may not always be feasible. Many issues arise as a result:
- How should companies and governments balance their sustainability and resilience positions in a way that achieves policy and commercial goals at least risk?
- National governments will try to balance sustainability and resilience in different ways, with varying success. Private companies will face conflicting requirements where they operate in multiple countries.
- Where sustainability and resilience do coincide, failure to understand the overlap risks missing a major trick. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions may have sustainability side-benefits, and sustainability actions may have DRR side-benefits. These can improve the business case for those actions.
- Whichever balance companies and governments strike between sustainability and resilience, the data they require to implement their responses may not be immediately available.
Please join this 2.5-hour virtual event hosted by UNDRR ARISE-US.
The event will feature a keynote address, followed by two moderated round table discussions with extensive opportunities for audience questions and participation.
Who should attend?
The event will benefit CSOs, risk managers, policy makers at national, state and local levels, and NGOs. The event is geared to senior-level attendees, but will also add value for more junior participants.
How to register?
Please sign up by completing and submitting the form below, where you also have the opportunity to set down in advance any questions you want the panelists to address.
We look forward to welcoming you to this important event!
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