The first meeting of the new ARISE Board, elected by ARISE members in July 2020 for a three-year period, took place on 19 October 2020. The meeting focused on the development of a Board workplan for 2020-2023, aligned with and supporting the implementation of the ARISE Global Terms of Reference, ARISE four priorities and KPIs and the Value proposition, which had been adopted by the previous Board.

Co-chairs Mami Mizutori (Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, SRSG) and Martha Herrera (CEMEX) and Vice-Chair Hans-Peter Teufers (UPS Foundation) engaged in active dialogue with the Board while calling special attention to three critical points that will lead to the successful implementation of the Board mandate over the next three years.

Critical points

  1. The urgency and timeliness of ARISE to take a lead role in encouraging more engagement by the private sector in driving risk-informed decision-making and investment.

  2. The critical role of the Board members to act in a global capacity to help further accelerate and focus the activities and impact of the ARISE initiative at all levels.

  3. The key focus for Board members to agree on concrete and realistic activities to be implemented by the board including with specific roles and commitments of each member.

  4. The Board’s next step is to finalize the Board workplan with roles, budgets and resources by late November.

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