Igniting resilience with the wildfire disaster risk reduction scorecard

In a world increasingly threatened by the destructive blaze of wildfires, communication, persuasion, and dialogue stand as the guiding lights that can bring a wide array of stakeholders into alignment and into action. According to data from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), the year 2022 witnessed a staggering 76,032 wildfires in the United States alone, scorching over 6.8 million acres of land. These numbers highlight the urgent need for collaborative efforts in addressing the wildfire crisis. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) reported that a significant portion of these wildfires were caused by human activities, underlining the crucial role of communication and education in mitigating the risk of ignition.
This new tool sets the stage, inviting you to embark on a journey of assessment, empowerment, and transformation. It's a journey that not only endeavors to safeguard communities from the devastating impacts of wildfires but also ignites innovation and fosters unparalleled improvements in disaster resilience.
ARISE-US and CrowdDoing's Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention coalition emerge as the sages behind the Scorecard's wisdom. ARISE US, active member of UNDRR ARISE Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies, is committed to disaster resilience and spearheads collaboration, carving new paths towards building resilience. CrowdDoing, a force for social innovation, harnesses the power of collective action to sculpt a world free from wildfire threats. Together, they craft a narrative of unity, channeling diverse forces into a harmonious call for change.

Unveiling the Wildfire Disaster Risk Reduction Scorecard
Introducing the Wildfire Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Scorecard, a beacon of hope rising from the challenges of wildfire aftermath. This freely available open-source tool is crafted to empower communities, encompassing local entities and various stakeholders, to evaluate their present preparedness in light of escalating wildfire risks. As wildfires cast an increasingly ominous shadow, the Scorecard takes center stage as a unifying call, urging communities to heighten awareness and cultivate a proactive wildfire prevention ethos.
Crafting a Multidimensional Response
Within the framework of disaster risk reduction, a multitude of perspectives come together to form a cohesive strategy for protection. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to wildfires, such as excessive fuel load, vulnerable construction materials, and the interface between urban areas and wildland, serves as the foundational basis of this effort. However, the significance of the Scorecard goes beyond mere identification; it extends to seizing opportunities for effective mitigation. Through a range of strategies, encompassing landscape hydration and revisions to building codes, communities steadily advance towards bolstering their resilience. Each strategic move represents a step forward in the mission to safeguard both lives and landscapes.
From Landscape to Property
Within this comprehensive composition, the Scorecard serves as a navigational guide across the intricate landscape of factors. On the broader landscape level, the interplay of topography and ecosystem services finds equilibrium, while at the community level, urban planning and community involvement coordinate a structured preparedness. Delving further into the property level, fortified building codes and asset reinforcement construct a defensive shield against the threat of wildfires. In unison, these diverse layers harmonize to craft a resilient symphony, with each component playing a crucial part in the collective effort of disaster risk reduction.
The Scorecard's Role
Regard the Scorecard as more than a fixed assessment – perceive it as a dynamic roadmap. Its purpose isn't to just diagnose but to initiate healing. Communities using the Scorecard unlock a cascade of potential benefits: a shield against the fiery onslaught, a fortress against destruction, and a sanctuary for life. Through the Scorecard's lens, we glimpse a future where the flames are quelled, the earth breathes easy, and humanity stands resilient, unwavering in the face of fire.
The Scorecard transcends its functional aspect; it functions as a compelling call to take action. It encourages firefighters, farmers, urban inhabitants, and forward-thinkers to unite, weaving their voices together to construct a tapestry of resilience. Amidst the advancing wildfire threat, the Scorecard emerges as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards a more secure tomorrow.
Rising from the Ashes
The Wildfire Disaster Risk Reduction Scorecard is more than a mere document; it represents a commitment. The tool's underlying spirit gravitates towards a proactive stance, prioritizing prevention over a primarily post-disaster approach. Its design is aimed at enabling communities to bolster their defenses against the imminent wildfire threat and to pre-emptively mitigate potential damages. With the Scorecard in hand, let us stand as stewards of change, guarding against the flames and igniting the sparks of resilience in every corner of our world.
Read more:
Learn more about ARISE US here
Learn more about CrowdDoing here
Learn more about MCR2030 here
See the details of the scorecard at Preventionweb publication
See the event details “Introduction to the Scorecard Action Guide: Prioritization of DRR Actions”