Bhagat Khanna

Brig (Dr) BK Khanna is Chairman of BNK Crisis & DM Services, Delhi. He served in National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA), Government of India as Senior Founder Consultant where he was involved in formulation of India’s National Disaster Management Policy, National Disaster Response Plan, National Guidelines on making State Disaster and Crisis Management Plans, Chemical (Industrial) Disasters, Earthquakes, Floods and Cyclones. He was a National Core Group Member for evolving Guidelines on Chemical (Terrorism), Fire Services, Civil Defence, Community Based Disaster Management (CBDM) and Incident Response System (IRS). He formulated/reviewed DM plans/ Emergency & Crisis Management Plans of over 540 schools/colleges besides that of 7 Indian States and DM Plans for 57 multi hazard Indian Districts. He is an advisor to a number of schools on Disaster Management. He is on the Panel of the CBSE for conducting mock exercises and judging the regional and national level science exhibitions. He is an expert in Crowd Management at Religious Places and various sporting events and has made Contingency and DM Plans for them. He has reviewed DM Plans of Ministries of Railways, Civil Aviation, Urban Development, Services Sector units, like Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi and Bangalore Airport, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), and Kolkata Metro, etc. At the instance of The Government of Arunachal Pradesh, he carried out DM Audit of Arunachal Pradesh State and two of its most vulnerable districts Brig (Dr) B.K. Khanna did his Masters in Science in Psychology, Doctorate (Ph.D) in ‘Internal Threat to India-Policy and Options’ and Doctorate of Literature (D.Litt) on,’ Border Management in Indian Context’, He has a MBA in International Trade, PG Diploma in Marketing and is a Certified Master Trainer of Trainees and Master Trainer for conduct of Simulation Exercises from FEMA, USA.. Brig (Dr) Khanna served in the Indian Army for 32 years and was awarded 8 times for bravery and meritorious services to the nation.