ARISE Annual General Meeting 2023

The online AGM 2023 hosted by ARISE UNDRR will welcome you to join from anywhere in the world.
13 September 2023
- Learn and share what your organization/network is doing in the areas of SME resilience, investment, insurance and infrastructure in roundtables and workshops
- Celebrate achievements and inspire action
- Know the annual board update and meet the new board
- Network to build connections and partnership
- Register here
- See the agenda click here
- This meeting is open only to ARISE members
About the Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE)
ARISE, the Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies is a network of private sector entities committed to helping to implement the Sendai Framework, and led by UNDRR. ARISE mobilizes and facilitates the private sector to carry out risk-informed investments and to apply business practices that reduce and prevent the creation of risk, build resilience and enhance recovery from disasters, in line with the Sendai Framework. Organized into national networks, of which there are currently 29 worldwide, ARISE focuses on four priorities: SMEs; integrating DRR into investment decisions; incentivizing DRR within the insurance industry, and resilient infrastructure.
For more information:
About the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations' focal point for disaster risk reduction. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, supporting countries in its implementation, monitoring and sharing what works in reducing existing risk and preventing the creation of new risk.
For more information:
For more information
Sarah Wade-Apicella (, Erick Gonzales Rocha (, or Devika Vohra (