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On behalf of our UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute and partners, we are delighted to invite you to register for this year’s joint certificate training programme on the “Whole-of-society approach to creating healthy, resilient and sustainable cities: Harnessing South-South Cooperation for a post-COVID era”.  This is the 4th edition of the joint training programme annually organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Global Education and Training Institute (UNDRR GETI), UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). 

This year’s course seeks to address one of the key findings from midterm review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction on engaging 'whole-of-society' in disaster risk reduction, and will feature and share experience from stakeholder engagement in urban risk and public health management. The private sector is key. Please join in to share your sectoral innovations and know-how in this professional learning opportunity. Young leaders and entrepreneurs are especially welcome.

Overall, the course serves as an introductory training for urban leaders, planners, and practitioners, aiming to: 

  • Increase awareness and understanding for managing complex urban disaster risks and enhancing public health emergency response preparedness, and South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC);  
  • Introduce useful concepts and tools to strengthen whole-of-society engagement in urban disaster risk management; 
  • Better prepare city stakeholders and engage them in making cities resilient for future crises, health and non-health emergencies and uncertainties; 
  • Facilitate learning through SSTC towards sustainable development;  
  • Inspire and motivate whole-of-society (especially young people) to play a key and active role in securing resilient and sustainable urban futures.  

Targeted Audience: 

Local and national government officials in charge of disaster risk reduction and management, urban development and planning and public health emergency preparedness, national associations of municipalities, urban resilience and development practitioners, as well as civil society, private sector, and academia. The course is open to all applicants from both developed and developing countries, especially young people. Participants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDs) are highly encouraged. 

No. of Trainees: Maximum 1,000 participants, on a first come first served basis. (Free enrollment) 

Date & Time: 7, 14, 21, 27 June 2023  

(A total of 4 online sessions with first three sessions on Wednesdays and last session on Tuesday) 

All online sessions will be 90-100 minutes starting at the same time from  

8:00 New York | 14:00 Geneva | 19:00 Bangkok | 21:00 Incheon. 


Virtually through UNOSSC virtual training platform 

(Access link will be provided to course registrants only) 

Workshop Language: English will be the main language, with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish (total 7 languages).   

Certificate: Certificate of completion will be given to participants who meet the following requirements: 

  1. Attend at least 3 out of 4 live sessions (75% attendance) 
  2. Complete a course evaluation survey, and  
  3. Pass an end-of-course exam, with a score of 80% or above.  

Qualified participants who fulfill all requirements can obtain the course certificate automatically from the UNOSSC virtual training platform. 

For more information and registration

Visit https://www.undrr.org/event/undrr-unossc-who-paho2023 

Interested participants must complete the registration form by COB Wednesday 31 May 2023(Registration may close earlier if the course has reached maximum number of participants) 




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