High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework

- English
2023 marks the midpoint in implementing the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda, and other 2015 agreements. The Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 will conclude in May 2023, with countries and stakeholders invited to conduct consultations and provide input through 2022.
What is this event?
The High-Level Meeting (HLM) on the Midterm Review provides a platform for Member States, the United Nations system partners, and other stakeholders to reflect on the findings and recommendations of the Midterm Review.
Why is it important to participate?
The event is an important opportunity for the private sector and ARISE members to participate in discussions with Member States and other stakeholders and reflect on progress made, examine context shifts and emerging issues since 2015, identify course corrections and new initiatives for more effectively addressing the systemic nature of risk and achieve the outcomes of the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and other frameworks.
How can you participate?
If you are a member of the private sector or ARISE, you can join the:
- High-Level Meeting, 18-19 May 2023
- Pre-registration was required to attend, registrations closed on 24 April 2023.
- Risk Reduction Hub, 17-19 May 2023
- If you are interested to join Risk Reduction Hub in person, you must register by 12 May 2023 using this link
The High-Level Meeting and most Risk Reduction Hub events will be webcast live and on demand via UN TV at https://media.un.org/en/webtv/schedule
We highly recommend the following events to be attended by ARISE members.
- Scaling-up Risk Sensitive Urban Development
- Date & Time- 17th May 8:15am to 9:45am EST New York Time
- Location- Conference Room 6, United Nations Headquarters, New York or via livestreaming here.
- Private Investment in DRR for resilience
- Date & Time-17th May 4:30pm to 6:00 pm EST New York Time
- Location-Conference Room 12, United Nations Headquarter, New York.
- Whole of Society Approach- The role of Non-state Actors in the Sendai Framework Implementation
- Date & Time- 17th May 4:30pm to 6:30 pm EST New York Tim
- Location- Conference Room 8, United Nations Headquarter, New York or via livestreaming here.
- Meeting of non-state stakeholders attending the High Level Meeting of the midterm review of the Sendai Framework
- Date & Time- 18th May 11:00am to 12:30pm EST New York Tim
- Location- Baha'i International Community, 866 United Nations Plaza (NE Corner of 48th & 1st), Suite 120, New York, NY 1001
- Registration- RSVP here by 17th of May 8:00 am New York time
- Link for online attendance- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81204305596

The High-Level Meeting and the multistakeholder panels on 18 and 19 May 2023 will be broadcast live on UN Web TV. Please note that you don't have to register if you plan to follow through webcast.
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