Publication of the ARISE focus areas and key performance indicators (KPIs) for 2022-2025

With a good start into the New Year, ARISE published its Focus Areas and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 2022-2025. New impact measurements have been adopted by the ARISE Board, based on the Network’s Four Focus Areas – SMEs, investment, insurance, and resilient infrastructure –, as well as on the results of the baseline survey conducted in 2020-2021.
Among the next steps, ARISE Network Leaders need to estimate and communicate their target numbers for each year of the ARISE workplan. This information will be used to monitor and report progress against the agreed KPIs.
Other exciting developments coming in the next months include:
The development of the ARISE Annual Report 2021. Inputs, stories, and good practices from ARISE Members are being collected and support sharing this information will be highly appreciated.
Better communication opportunities. This includes enhanced information exchanges and visibility of the Network through the development of news articles, video clips, messages from the Board and existing ARISE Members, and outreach to potential new ARISE members, among others.