Meetings and conferences

ARISE-US symposium: the business case for resilience - a call to action

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08:00-9.30 am (PT)


One of the factors affecting the speed with which resilience-oriented siting and design practices are adopted for real assets (buildings and infrastructure) is the perception that such practices would inevitably add costs that outweigh tangible benefits. As a result, these assets are repeatedly sited, designed and/or engineered in ways that may reduce immediate costs, but fail to reflect the long term benefits and costs of resilience (or the lack of it) to investors, to asset owners, and to the community in which those real assets are located.

The treatment of resilience costs and benefits is wrong, and needs to be counteracted if we are going to make society resilient in the face of growing urbanization and the impacts of climate change. 

his 90-minute virtual event will showcase perspectives, tools, and techniques to enable an accurate assessment of needs, as well as cost/benefit analyses, for designing resilience into real assets.

Who should attend?

The symposium will be of interest to the following groups:

  • Real estate and infrastructure investors;
  • Developers;
  • Insurers;
  • Architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firms;
  • Disaster risk reduction specialists;
  • Infrastructure operators;
  • Planners, building code and economic development officers;
  • Policy professionals in any of the above.


  • Steve Sunderman, leader of ARISE-US' Resilient Design Collaborative, a group of architects working with resilience issues;
  • Holly Neber, CEO of AEI Consultants, who led the ASTM International working team to create the recently published ASTM Standard, E3429 - "Standard Guide for Property Resilience Assessments".
  • Anne Chataigne and Alex Chavarot of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), who are rolling out the Physical Climate Risk Assessment Methodology (PCRAM) for infrastructure assets. This session will also feature a contribution from Zoe Duvall, Principal Consultant at Mott Macdonald, who helped develop and pilot PCRAM.

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