
With over USD90 trillion to be invested in infrastructure by 2030, it is critical that this investment is risk-informed. The new Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) is an opportunity for ARISE to pilot resilient infrastructure through the national networks.

Latest on infrastructure from the private sector

Support resilient private sector through multiple services to evaluate the risk for multiple types of natural hazards.
Collaboration with CDRI by the Japan Bosai Platform.
How-to manual for field operators: drone-based infrastructure monitoring of coastal DRR infrastructure and agricultural water utilities.
Development of smartphone apps (1) for realtime estimates of building damage/rates by LG unit, for typhoons, heavy rains, and earthquakes, (2) risk management app that suggest prevention tips, and guides evacuation during disasters.
Upgrading clients' DRR capability by introducing On-site Water Treatment and Supply System, using membrane filtration technology, which utilizes water sources such as groundwater, surface water, etc.
ARISE National Network in Egypt

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional Office for Arab States launched the ARISE Egypt National Network, which is the second National ARISE network to be developed in the Arab Region.

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States
publication cover

This report marks one year of COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrates now, more than ever the increased relevance of ARISE.

UNDRR Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE)
Documents and publications
Annual Report

ARISE Annual Report 2019 highlights key events, latest news and achievements of the ARISE Networks in 2019-2020

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Documents and publications
Good Practice

This position paper describes the five private sector visions for a resilient future that the DRR-PSP foresees as long-term goals to drive risk-sensitive and resilient business practices globally and across sectors.

Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership
Documents and publications
Good Practice

When a natural hazard threatens a nation, public facilities and private businesses alike have to protect their assets, their workforce, and their supply and distribution chains in order for society and the economy to keep functioning.

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

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