ARISE Member tools

These resources and instruments have been designed and shared by ARISE members to help assess, manage, and reduce disaster risks.

These tools aim to enhance resilience and preparedness across various sectors.

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CARICHAM - Center of Excellence
Documents and publications
The CARICHAM Centre of Excellence is a platform launched by the ARISE Network of Chambers of Commerce in the Caribbean (CARICHAM), aimed at enhancing the resilience of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across the Caribbean.
Documents and publications
This tool provides a practical guide to reduce risks and prepare adequately for the hurricane season. By applying it, companies can implement preventive measures to protect their employees and assets and minimise operational disruptions.
Documents and publications
The ICMIF UNDRR Resiliency Benchmark builds on the work set out from the UNDRR and ICMIF partnership to embed disaster risk reduction (DRR) in mutual and cooperative insurance.
Documents and publications
This tool will help you identify your company's strengths and areas for improvement. With this information, you can take steps to make your business more resilient, competitive, and sustainable.
Documents and publications
This DRR scorecard is designed to help communities improve their ability to assess the risk from, prepare for, manage and recover from wildfires.
Cover page for Climate Change Preparedness Toolkit for Business Development Organizations
Documents and publications
This guide is intended to support small business owners in both developing a business continuity plan, as well as creating a culture that allows for innovations and transformations.
Risk map of the Caucasus and Central Asia countries
Documents and publications
The subnational INFORM models identify areas at a high risk of a humanitarian crisis that is more likely to require international assistance, based on risk concepts published in scientific literature.
Documents and publications
The Bosai Solution Database is available on the website of Japan Bosai Platform, which is an association of companies whose goal is to make society disaster resilient and sustainable by sharing Japanese bosai solutions with the world.
Documents and publications
The tool is based on best practices and designed to educate newcomers on business resilience.
Documents and publications
The toolkit consists of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) guide and template offered in five different languages. and includes tutorial audio visual material for users.

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