For private sector partners, being a member of an ARISE Network facilitates members to build and foster resilient and prosperous business through the provision of access to information and good practices, tools and mechanisms for the integration of disaster risk reduction into business strategies and management, product development, enterprise risk management and continuity plans and strategies. ARISE members may provide services pro bono, depending upon the need and expertise. At the same time, ARISE Networks work towards raising awareness of the wider private sector, creating an enabling environment with public sector and private sector partners, for implementing the Sendai Framework.

Benefits of joining ARISE

Raise awareness

Create greater awareness, education and transparency regarding disaster hazards, that will affect consumer behavior, business decisions and public policies.


Meet potential partners and collaborators among like-minded businesses, concerned stakeholder groups and government agencies.

Share knowledge

Share knowledge with other businesses: learn from them, and let your good practices be known.

Mobilize experience

Bring together private sector experience to plan and implement ARISE activities, particularly in work streams.

Gain recognition and visibility

Gain visibility, recognition, and appreciation for championing and demonstrating private sector engagement.

Stay up to date

Get first-hand exposure and opportunity to influence and capture market developments, early access to and input in discussions regarding regulatory changes.


Deliver your voice and insights to global, regional, and national policymakers.

Unite with UN

Work closely with a UN organization and their platform for dialogue and further opportunities.

The first year as an ARISE member


Contact your regional or national ARISE Network focal point who will connect you with the UNDRR Regional Office and guide you through the application process. Businesses from countries or regions with no existing ARISE Network can join ARISE as individual members.


Interested companies are required to submit a completed Application Form, Proof of Legal Registration as well as Statement of Commitment.


ARISE Networks are expected to meet at least once per year, with an annual activity report to be submitted by the ARISE Network leads to the ARISE Board before 31 December of the respective calendar year.


Advocacy, knowledge products, good practice sharing and guidance on disaster risk reduction and risk-informed investment, including through engagement at Global and Regional Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction.


Promotion of the integration of DRR into business strategies and management, product development, enterprise risk management and continuity plans and strategies.


Leading and facilitating capacity building on disaster risk reduction for member companies, including for Small- and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).


Developing public - private collaboration for targeted projects and initiatives to catalyse innovation, strategy development, collaboration and partnerships with national and local governments and other stakeholder groups for coherent policy development and implementation.


Registration of commitments and reporting on achievements of national and regional activities through the Sendai Voluntary Commitments Platform, PreventionWeb and other UNDRR communication platforms and events.

Submit your Voluntary Commitments

More ARISE resources

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